Folks were warning me how dull the road between Arco and Blackfoot would be, but I found the exact opposite. Last night I camped by a completely dry riverbed - aptly named the Lost River. In the middle of the night a great horned owl hooted from the cottonwood tree above my camp. This morning I once again awoke to a beautiful sea of sage. The pre-sunrise was full of soft colors that seem to make up the twilight desert sky. An occasional easy climb on Route 26 afforded me incredible views in all directions. I felt fortunate to be biking through such a vast desert under very reasonable conditions – about 60 degrees average for the AM ride and no wind. An added bonus was a wide, smooth, quiet road. Pedaling past roadside wild sunflowers and singing meadowlarks isn’t bad for a Monday morning.
The Interstate 15 valley south of Pocatello winds through some beautiful countryside. The greenery returns here, partly due to the increasing altitude, partly due to irrigation. The afternoon heat made the biking more difficult than the morning, but I saw some great scenery. On one of the tougher climbs of the afternoon, I glanced into a field that held 30 wild turkeys. I thought about sneaking up on them to get a photo with my point-and-shoot but thought they’d probably have none of it.
Keep pedaling, Paul. You're awesome.